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It is no secret that traditional marketing is no longer as effective as they used to be in the past. Today’s marketer has turned towards digital marketing as businesses have become online, and more and more people spend most of their time on social media platforms scrolling their feeds.

Did you know?
‘More than 8 billion videos are watched daily on Facebook’

Several social media marketers now prefer video content in their marketing campaigns to engage the audience. This is because videos tend to attract more attention of social media users than images.

create video content with olivetree marketing

Arguably, video marketing is one of the effective strategies for brands to connect with their target audience, specifically in the age of mobile marketing.

‘It is estimated that an average individual will spend 100 minutes daily watching online videos by 2021.’

Wait! There is more.

Approximately 93% of businesses have claimed that video content on social media platforms has helped them reach new customers.’

This shows that trend of online video consumption is not going to slow down in the upcoming years. And therefore, businesses must leverage from online videos to generate more attention to their social media platforms.

Despite the potential of video marketing, many companies are still not leveraging from it. According to several marketers, it is easier to produce blogs, white papers, and case studies as compared to producing video content.

How You Can Generate More Attention With Videos

Producing video content is not as demanding as it seems. All you need to do is to get familiar with the preferences of your audience and what kind of video content they want to watch. Then you can offer more of that to grab their attention towards your brand.

There are a few technicalities to consider: Lights, a good camera and a microphone are the basics you need to have covered, and then you are all set to go!

Video Content Ideas Please!!!

There are days when we run out of ideas on what to video. Well, for this reason it’s a great idea to have a video plan!
What is your goal? Is it promoting your brand? Short and instructional videos demonstrating the use of the product can do that. Similarly, if you have a long message and complex product, you should make a detailed video to attract the attention of your audience.

You can also post videos on social media which answer the queries of your customers regarding your offerings. With such videos you can build your brand image in the eyes of your prospect customers.

You can also deliver a long message to your audience that they might not read otherwise if it was a still image ad. This is because eyes pay attention to movement and therefore, videos can draw more attention from your audience towards your message.

Video content on social media offers quick and relevant information to your prospects and thereby increasing your chances to reach a large customer base. In contrast, image content might require your audience to click through to another page to check what you offer. And surely, they are not going to do that.

Subtitles? Why?

Use subtitles in videos? Why? It grabs the attention of your viewers. This is because many videos autoplay on social media platforms and not all users are likely to unmute the video to listen to its message. So, whether the video is muted or unmuted, subtitled video will do its work for you.

video content with olivetree marketing

Since an average user hardly spends 1.3 seconds on each post in their social media news feed, we, as social marketers, have only a split second to grab the attention of our audience. Therefore, it is essential to put appealing elements in the opening seconds of your video to keep audience attention longer.

Let’s see how videos may help businesses and social media marketers in generating more attention of the target audience.

Videos Attract 5x more Attention than Still Images

Advertisers target the users scrolling Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms through sponsored ads, specifically image ads.

Users’ brains skim plenty of content provided in the form of image ads. However, video ads tend to attract 5x more attention than still images can do on social media.

Video Ads can double in clicks

Video ads are best known for outdoing image ads, specifically when it comes to customer engagement. This is because the target audience finds it more convenient to watch a video than reading long paragraphs.

Video Combines both Visual and Auditory Sense

More importantly, video catches more attention of the audience as it contains both audio and visuals to convey a message more efficiently. However, in image ads, marketers need to heavily rely on specific words, visual clues, and punctuations to deliver a message in the desired tone.

Did you know?
‘An average person remembers only 10% of the message when it is read, whereas 95% when it is watched.’

Now that’s a good explanation to understand the importance of video content in marketing. Isn’t it?

Closing Thoughts

Videos, no doubt, perform better as opposed to still images on social media platforms. If you want scrolling users to stop and pay attention to your video post, use simple and short videos explaining the gist of your brand and its offerings.

Users can easily digest online content while scrolling their social media feeds. This makes it a lot easier for them to quickly pass over still image ads without giving much attention to them. However, with videos, you can grab their attention to spend some extra seconds watching your video posts.

As always, if you need marketing ideas and help reach your audience, we are here to help! Contact us:!