How do you know which one is better for your business?

Vimeo is the video tool challenging global brand YouTube since 2004 with a supportive community to help your business grow.
Current SME marketing material is generally directed to YouTube for its reach and capacity to perform ad campaigns.
It leaves the question: what about Vimeo? Which one should I choose?
Tailoring Video Content to your Audience
Vimeo currently attracts 175 million creators worldwide from contractors to freelancers and independent creators.
Video categories range from art & design, fashion design, photography, film & documentaries to musicians or even journalist with a combination of food and travel for blogging, another venture worth noting! Vimeo’s content is exclusive to their platform, creative and artistic freedom is encouraged. The majority of uploads utilise a 720p, 1080p or higher 4K quality. Uploading high quality video content ensures users will access your videos on multiple devices leaving them engaged and waiting for your next upload!
Simple Screen Design and Interface
Vimeo’s simple user friendly screen design is beneficial to maintain viewer’s attention, whereas targeted videos in YouTube are an ongoing challenge.
HTML5 capabilities is also a simple but functional capability to embed videos when sharing through other platforms e.g. Facebook or webpages.
Recording video content in Vimeo and sharing through other platforms is a simple function.
Vimeo also allows videos to be uploaded with the link and key marketing metrics (views, shares, likes) remaining intact. YouTube’s approach to create a new hyperlink and completely new video can leave users confused guiding them away from your updated video content.
Did you know: “YouTube has a global audience of 1 billion”
Avoid the negativity for your video content!
Vimeo has a sophisticated audience with a supportive environment: viewers are more inclined to provide valuable and constructive feedback. YouTube on the other hand, attracts a global audience; viewers could potentially leave negative and harmful comments.
Chasing a global audience is always tempting! However, tailoring content to the appropriate demographic ensures your marketing efforts will not go to waste!
“Vimeo has gained 1.2 million paying subscriptions”
Sign Me Up for Vimeo!
Vimeo offers a free account, but you can also choose from different paid membership options to suit the needs of your business: Plus, Pro, Business and Premium.
Select the ‘Business’ option, and you will see how much value it adds to your video content. SEO, Google analytics and the analytics dashboard are essential to test and measure your campaigns. Harness the tools available in membership packages they are there to be utilised so your business will flourish.
Video content is essential for your business in 2020 and continuing onwards into the future. Vimeo may be the future video platform to utilise over global brand YouTube. Regardless which platform you go with, the main thing is to provide your audience with a great viewing experience.
Selecting Vimeo to upload video content may lead you ahead of your businesses competition. Take advantage of the tools and membership Vimeo offers, the more insights and knowledge you have the more opportunities for your business to excel.
Try out their webpage, watch some videos, there is no harm in testing new methods to upload video content. Assess the advantageous and disadvantages against your business for video content. If the list of advantages is longer, then you are heading in the right direction to use Vimeo!
If you need marketing ideas or suggestions to reach your audience,
we are here to help! Contact us:!